Taking Sabbatical!

31 07 2007

I looked up the word Sabbatical and its definition pretty well describes what I am going to be doing.

A sabbatical year is a prolonged hiatus, typically one year, in the career of an individual taken in order to fulfill some goal, e.g., writing a book or traveling extensively for research.

Well, I guess it is time to finally fess up that none of this stuff out here on the internet really works. I would like to say it is just me, but unfortunately there are a large number of us out here that are now realizing that None of this is really all worth it.

I will be taking a sabbatical to work on my next book that I will be outlining all of the fallacies of the internet…until then you may want to check out my other book to catch up on what is going on.

You can check out the periodic blogs I will post over at my main site, IBGS Blog. Hope you enjoy the archive of blogs I have posted here.

Hunting for VC Today is Not Patrolling the Ho Chi Minh Trail!

10 06 2007

mr-business-golf-in-the-library-cropped-small.jpgI have been hearing people tell me for a few years that with the success of my book I need to go for the VC or to get after tracking down some VC.  All of that back then starting to sound like they wanted me go watch Apocalypse Now.

I had no idea what VC stood for today.  Back in the days when I was the age of some of these CEO’s I am consulting VC meant Viet Cong…so I knew they could not be talking about the Vietnam Conflict.

Now, VC stands for Venture Capital.  So I hope that has translated what people are talking about today for all of you people who got stuck in 1974 and never moved on.

Well, VC is where I am today and it is kind of fun to talk to people who are falling in love with my business and HAVE MONEY.  But again, it is a little scary.

I spent 30 years in a corporation and I made it my mission to learn how to understand what was being talked about in the Boardroom.  Having that knowledge helped me to not only understand what those C Suite Executives were talking about, but it allowed me to anticipate what they were going to do so I could get the jump on the stuff they are going to want done that came out of my group.

I am in the boardroom meetings now and I am leading discussions and performing presentation talking about the same thing the big businesses are talking about.  However, this time, I am leading the show and not someone sitting outside the door waiting on their boss to come busting out spouting off all of the crap that needed to be done yesterday to get to what the CEO wanted done today.

So, there ya have it…that is what I have been up to for the past week and will be up to for a few more weeks.  Hunting for VC is one way to making this all worth it.