Taking Sabbatical!

31 07 2007

I looked up the word Sabbatical and its definition pretty well describes what I am going to be doing.

A sabbatical year is a prolonged hiatus, typically one year, in the career of an individual taken in order to fulfill some goal, e.g., writing a book or traveling extensively for research.

Well, I guess it is time to finally fess up that none of this stuff out here on the internet really works. I would like to say it is just me, but unfortunately there are a large number of us out here that are now realizing that None of this is really all worth it.

I will be taking a sabbatical to work on my next book that I will be outlining all of the fallacies of the internet…until then you may want to check out my other book to catch up on what is going on.

You can check out the periodic blogs I will post over at my main site, IBGS Blog. Hope you enjoy the archive of blogs I have posted here.

Generating Traffic To Site: Who Drives It?

7 05 2007

mr-business-golf-straight-up-small.jpgFrom time to time I will cruise the Internet Marketing blogs and read what some of the guru’s have to say about how to drive traffic to a site.

I keep getting a couple of questions popping in my head which I am not sure they are being fully answered in anything I am reading on these sites. These questions are… What is the reason someone wants to get traffic to their site? And, how did the guys who say they get millions of hits a day get traffic to their site?

I am still reading and have not really got an answer that addresses these questions directly. I have some assumptions I can make.

I suspect that the reason people want traffic to their site is to draw attention to something they have for sale or in hopes that the viewers will slip up and hit one of the pay for click ads.

As far as how the ‘million hit’ people got the traffic, well, I have not found anyone who can really provide me an answer that I can believe so I will assume that most of these guys and gals received their traffic from offline efforts that are related to the region of the country or world they are from. Plus, the subject matter of what they write about…and some expensive marketing and search engine optimization has a lot to do with it.

It seems that anyone in Simi-Valley, San Francisco and Seattle are going to get thousands of hits to their sites no matter what they do or say. Why? That is a good question. Is the material they offer any better there than someone in St Louis? Does the content have more validity there than in Jackson, Mississippi? Does the subject matter have more to do with it? Now we are getting somewhere….I believe it does.

On the most part I have found that material concerning Techy or gadget stuff is what is getting the most hits. The reason would be easy to understand since who is online more than any industry?…techs and geeks. Plus, the internet is a technical marvel, so most of the people who know how to use the internet are going to be hunted down those people and not someone who knows about both offline and online operations.

So how does someone like me get traffic to my site? Yes, I am selling services. I have information that is desperately needed by the young and old who are hitting the internet to find information. And yes, I am not a big fan of them, but I do have a few pay for click ads which I would take down in a heartbeat if I could get more traffic to my site for the services I provide.

What are others like me doing…well, most have found that all of this stuff you have to do to get traffic to your site is really all not worth it and have left the internet to concentrate on their offline economy. This should concern all of the techs and geeks because who is going to be left to click on their ads if these non-tech consumers leave the internet to pursue efforts that are counter to their efforts. Surely the tech and geeks are not going to depend on themselves to drive their economy online forever. If they believe this is so, they need my services worst than I thought.

I am still reading and talking to learn more about what and who is driving the bus here on the internet…as soon as I can get enough information to determine if all of this is worth it I will let you know.

Seven Days A Week!

29 04 2007

mr-business-golf-in-the-library-cropped-small.jpgIf you are like me, if something is not working, I can’t just walk away and take a break…I have to fix it before I can rest.

That is what I am doing with my sites, my business and my golf. Everywhere I go I am asked to fix something.

I was out at local home improvement warehouse earlier this evening picking up supplies for my next project when one of my wife’s clients saw me and come up to ask where my wife was. After taking 10 questions related to my wife speaking at a Franchise Conference this week here in Dallas, the real reason she came over to me came out…she couldn’t find any help in the store who knew anything about anything…go figure.

So here I am solving problems….fortunately the problem she was having was more of not knowing where something was and I pointing her to the right department and showing her the bin the stuff she needed was in…then I was back to my stuff. I got out of there and I was back to the house to watch what I was watching live earlier in the day, the EDS Byron Nelson Classic…

Anyway, I am now back here in the Bagroom Studio editing video’s and working on keeping a few contact updated on my new Business Operations Consulting I am offering.

The problem I can’t solve is getting my new web-site launched…seems I need to sell more copies of my book and take on a few more retainers for client consulting before I can get the new site launched…a little of a Catch 22.

I am sure there are many out there who are in the same shape. I would love to hear what others are doing to raise the capital they need to get the site they need developed and launched.

So, I am now working on some business templates for processing out clients business operations and getting things in file for when I start snagging some clients.

I have a few speaking gigs coming up and usually I get a client or two out of the speaking I do. There are a ton of business golf outings I have been asked to review…so here are things coming up, but who knows what will happen by then.

So there are always things that are in the works that makes all of this not worth it, but, I am still here so I guess it is worth it…to an extent…buy my book, that makes it more worth while.