Taking Sabbatical!

31 07 2007

I looked up the word Sabbatical and its definition pretty well describes what I am going to be doing.

A sabbatical year is a prolonged hiatus, typically one year, in the career of an individual taken in order to fulfill some goal, e.g., writing a book or traveling extensively for research.

Well, I guess it is time to finally fess up that none of this stuff out here on the internet really works. I would like to say it is just me, but unfortunately there are a large number of us out here that are now realizing that None of this is really all worth it.

I will be taking a sabbatical to work on my next book that I will be outlining all of the fallacies of the internet…until then you may want to check out my other book to catch up on what is going on.

You can check out the periodic blogs I will post over at my main site, IBGS Blog. Hope you enjoy the archive of blogs I have posted here.

Hey, Who The Heck Are You, Anyway?

26 07 2007

I think my good friend Paul O’Flahertypaul.jpg is onto something here.  Who The Heck Am I?  I have the same problem with the name thing.  You can Google my name and it comes up with trying to get you to spell it with Two “T”’s, when the correct spelling is with one ‘T’ or my last name spelled ‘Duck’.  I have even had some of the sites that write about me confusing me with my friend Paul by calling me Mr. O’Duke.

Then you have the Mr Business Golf name I go by…WOW, want to know how many ways there are to butcher that name up?

Of course, at least Mr O’Flaherty, and I we use are real names…the ones our mom’s gave us, not the names you see around the internet like “Stick Ittome” or “Sir Spamalot”.  You can only image what you are going to get from someone with those names.

So who the heck are we anyway if our names are not spelled correctly? 

OH, well, guess its time to get back to reading more about what is going on out here that I questions is really working.


Blog for Blogging’s Sake

15 07 2007

It really gets me with all of these dudes and dudettes who say you have to blog every friggin day to get traffic to your site.  I am not really buying into that.  I think there is something more cynical involved.  I think you have to lie to people to get traffic to your site.

Yaw, that is pretty shocking to hear especially from a site named, “Is This Really All Worth It”.  But it is the truth.  And the truth online really does not seem to pull in any readers.

In some of the blogs that blog on blogging every day they say you need to put keywords in on what is in the news today.  This one gets me also because I have used every friggin keyword from Britney Spears to Iphone and I am still on the 20,530 page of Google when I use them.

In fact if you are reading this you are probably one of my few faithful friends who have posted a feed on their site and saw my headline and came over to see what I am ranting about now.

Yaw, ranting seems to be the way to get a lot of traffic, except for me.  Unless you are on of the few people who start off on the last page of a Google Search for Iphone, then you didn’t know I was ranting about the lack of traffic to all of my sties. 

Yes, this is going on with most people sites who do not talk bout Tech or gadgetry…but you are here so that is encouraging…maybe you will check out my other sites, buy my book and make all of this worthwhile so I can come back and write a blog on blogging everyday to get traffic to your site… Yaw right!

No Video Blogs Today: So I will Twitter

10 07 2007

I was going to do some Video Blogs for my IBGS site today, but I got into something that I am allergic to and I am swollen up all over.

OH well, maybe I can get them out in little while.

Meanwhile, over on Twitter…what is that all about?  Does anyone know?  Or better yet, does anyone care?  Seems there is something to it but I see no interaction with anyone or traffic going anywhere from it.  I see it is something that the Cellphone & Blackberry junkies can get into, but the big question is WHY?

A lot has been written on the internet about Twitter and it looks like it boils down to the 14 to 18 year old market is gah-gah  about this site since it drives their parents crazy with having to pay for the Text Messaging charges they are running up.

OH, well, maybe one of the Twitter will grow up to be something after all.

Hopefully be back with some new VB’s later today.

Internet Nuclear Winter is Coming

30 06 2007

mr-business-golf-in-the-library-cropped-small.jpgHave you ever had the feeling that something is about to change?  You know, like when fall turns to winter?  I am getting the feeling that is what is about to happen with the Internet…going into a nuclear winter.

Why?  Have you seen how many social networking sites that are starting up, falling apart or just generally sucking air?  Have you seen how many ads are being placed on every site online?  Have you every seen the concentration of questionably businesses?

BRRRR..feel that chill? 

Cuts through your like fifty rapid firing Spam emails you get just before a BLUE SCREEN. Cuts to the bone,doesn’t it?

It is kinda getting pathetic with more and more people jumping on the train to nowhere by offering yet another social or business networking site that sucks.  Now that people know I go in and look at these sites searching for the best sites for my clients to join, the founders and developers of many start-up sites now come to me to get my opinion.  I thank them for that and yes, I do have input on what is needed and what is being looked at by offline business people who really have money and want to come online to spend it and make it.  But these are very smart people, mostly professionals who do not want to be involved with anything that turns into a cesspool full of spammers and contact leaches.  These are people with enough intelligence to hire me to go into the slaughter houses called social/business networking groups for them and take the licking they would get if they joined those sites.  Yep, they are smart and know how being associated with the SEO’s and mega group sites is not a very professional environment to be in and is professional damaging to anyone’s professional image.  But they also know that there are oasis’s in the internet where they belong, but where?  That is what I am trying to find.  I am kinda the Indiana Jones of the internet looking for something and having to deal with all kind of crap to find it.

These offline professional don’t want to hear from evangelical representatives of worthless sites or hear about how an online identity that has an illusive or veiled business plan can be of benefit to them.  They don’t want to be offered to attend a Mary Kay gathering online.

Nope, they want to do straight up business with people who are online that more than like really need their services, like the evangelical bloggers and nutritional juices distributors whom they could offer an outlook of where to go to get REAL jobs they can work at that provides more stability to the real world’s economy.

There, that feeling you just got from finding out that there are real people with real money and real constructive business out there  is what I am talking about.  That is the feeling of change coming.   Kinda makes you shiver thinking about how things are getting out hand here in Lala-land.

Yes, the winds of change are blowing and it will be just a matter of time before the advertisers who are paying those social and business networking sites big bucks figure out their investments are not paying off.  Once that happens, the House of Cards effect takes affect and the change will have to then be made to recreate the Internet to be more of a safe place to go instead of it being like walking down a carnival midway.

Feel it changing? It is coming…


Iphone: Still Wondering About The Worthiness

26 06 2007

mr-business-golf-in-the-library-cropped-small.jpgSee, anything with Iphone in the title is going to get some attention.  I have never seen such a bunch of hype for a cellphone that nobody has ever used.  What is wrong with people?  Guess those people on the West Coast will buy anything to be the first….

OH, well.

I have been working on my Video Blogs for the Business Golf site of a few days.  Sorry to neglect you over here.  Still have not figured out what the heck it is going to take to make a buck out here.  John Chow and his schemes are not cutting it.  So still kicking around a bunch of stuff.  I am sure that if I take the shotgun effect I should be able to hit something with each shot.

Keep listening to the music and reading the blogs…maybe together we can figure out what the big deal is and if this all is really worth it.