Taking Sabbatical!

31 07 2007

I looked up the word Sabbatical and its definition pretty well describes what I am going to be doing.

A sabbatical year is a prolonged hiatus, typically one year, in the career of an individual taken in order to fulfill some goal, e.g., writing a book or traveling extensively for research.

Well, I guess it is time to finally fess up that none of this stuff out here on the internet really works. I would like to say it is just me, but unfortunately there are a large number of us out here that are now realizing that None of this is really all worth it.

I will be taking a sabbatical to work on my next book that I will be outlining all of the fallacies of the internet…until then you may want to check out my other book to catch up on what is going on.

You can check out the periodic blogs I will post over at my main site, IBGS Blog. Hope you enjoy the archive of blogs I have posted here.

Seven Days A Week!

29 04 2007

mr-business-golf-in-the-library-cropped-small.jpgIf you are like me, if something is not working, I can’t just walk away and take a break…I have to fix it before I can rest.

That is what I am doing with my sites, my business and my golf. Everywhere I go I am asked to fix something.

I was out at local home improvement warehouse earlier this evening picking up supplies for my next project when one of my wife’s clients saw me and come up to ask where my wife was. After taking 10 questions related to my wife speaking at a Franchise Conference this week here in Dallas, the real reason she came over to me came out…she couldn’t find any help in the store who knew anything about anything…go figure.

So here I am solving problems….fortunately the problem she was having was more of not knowing where something was and I pointing her to the right department and showing her the bin the stuff she needed was in…then I was back to my stuff. I got out of there and I was back to the house to watch what I was watching live earlier in the day, the EDS Byron Nelson Classic…

Anyway, I am now back here in the Bagroom Studio editing video’s and working on keeping a few contact updated on my new Business Operations Consulting I am offering.

The problem I can’t solve is getting my new web-site launched…seems I need to sell more copies of my book and take on a few more retainers for client consulting before I can get the new site launched…a little of a Catch 22.

I am sure there are many out there who are in the same shape. I would love to hear what others are doing to raise the capital they need to get the site they need developed and launched.

So, I am now working on some business templates for processing out clients business operations and getting things in file for when I start snagging some clients.

I have a few speaking gigs coming up and usually I get a client or two out of the speaking I do. There are a ton of business golf outings I have been asked to review…so here are things coming up, but who knows what will happen by then.

So there are always things that are in the works that makes all of this not worth it, but, I am still here so I guess it is worth it…to an extent…buy my book, that makes it more worth while.

Taking A Half Day Off!

28 04 2007

OK, Thursday evening I needed to take a break and stopped working on my three sites,2007-ibgs-logo-flattened.jpg IBGS, Business Golf and this one. I think I have provided enough content to keep the spiders busy for a few minutes anyway.

I cracked open my file that hold my twelve books I am writing and picked one to write a chapter or two. Like in all of books, I get to the point so the chapters are really short.

Since I was going to be playing in a member-guest golf tournament the next day I wanted to capture some thoughts on golf tournaments and how winning and losing is something golfers need to know how to do. This chapter is going to be a good one.

I went back into my notes from the number of conversations I have had with my good friend who is the executive director of the Northern Texas PGA. We have had many discussion on how a golfer not knowing how to win and not knowing how to lose a golf tournament can ruin his/her image to a point nobody will want to be around them or play golf with them.

So, after spending some energy getting my readers ready for my next books I needed to take a break form that…so it was off to my Netvibes to scan the 876 RSS feeds I have to the world.

I usually check rex-dixon-9-20061thumbnail.jpgRD’s feed to see if he has found something of importance…then for a refresh look at things I bounce over to the golf-girl-full-length.jpgGolf Girl who usually has something different to think about or look at…a different approach to golf through the ladies eyes is always entertaining for me and important since 80% of my client base are women business people.

I have to check on my feeds to digital-golf-logo-with-service-mark.jpgDigitalGolf.tv andthegolfapproach-logo.jpg TheGolfApproach.com to see what those outstanding Non-SF golf sites are up to.

Generally I will get some notice from my inter-circle on something to check out…this time Golf Girl provided me a site of another lady golfer blogging, Fairway Flapper…a yet another approach from the lady golfers to report the golf news. It is another one of the clean sites I like to go to check out now…so I will probably be cranking up he ol Business Golf Triangle to give her a push into cyberspace.

Then I go over and check out my other supporters site…elizabeth.jpgElizabeth Marshall and kammie-kobyleski_37060.jpgKammie Kobyleski I stop by to review from time to time….I am putting Elizabeth up on the interview calendar to produce a podcast with her soon.

Speaking of Podcasts, I am sure all of the Podcasters of the world have heard that ClickCaster is turning their site into a Pay-For site. Mr Business Golf has evacuated his presence since their was no ROI from the FREE side to justify paying for something that provided nothing back…more on this from RD and I over the next few months.

Then I always end my day taking a look at a few of my large base of attorneys’ sites who are slowing coming online… tamera-final.jpgTamera Bennett, with her Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law site and Kat Tidd, with her Franchise Law kats-logo.jpgpractice are worth checked out to see what they have to say.

Then it is off to bed where golf will be part of my next few days activities…I suggest everyone learn to play golf…it is really worth it..

Phil Michelson: The Real Deal..

27 04 2007

michelson.jpgOK, I hear ya…You want me to talk about Phil Michelson…OK, here is the first of two things I have to say about Phil Michelson.  Rex Dixon, should take heed here..nah!

Business Golf Has Moved!

1 02 2007

Are YOU Ready to Play some Business Golf? Well then, come on over to the NEWibgs-logo-line-drawing-new-w-tm-flattened.jpg Innovative Business Golf Solutions Blog Site.

Business Golf has moved! Click Business Golf to go to new site.

As many of my contemporaries have already done, it is also now time for me to saddle up and leave WordPress.com.

My business is growing faster than I can keep up with so…I am pulling all of my blogs, podcasts and videocasts all into one place.

I will be back over here on WordPress.com periodically to provide you with what is going on in Business Golf, but if you want to find out more than Business Golf, you will have to follow me over to my new site.

I really hope that all of the many, many friends I have made here will want to remain on my Blogroll and stay linked to all of the stuff I have to report on and talk about…for that will not change.

Where am I going? Well, I am taking the natural direction of setting up shop on my own domain. Which is at http://innovativebusinessgolf.com

Come on over, check it out and let’s play some Business Golf where I will continually ask you…Let Me Know How Can I Help?.

Scot Duke – Mr Business Golf


Innovative Business Golf Solutions

Sony Open: Golf Channel Coverage????

15 01 2007

OK, I can officially say that I am going to miss the Network coverage of GOLF. The coverage the Golf Channel provides…well I can’t think of a better word…but it Sucks.

Last week it was so dark you could not see anything, this weekend the coverage was so overexposed I was having to put my Oakley’s on just to watch the play and it still did not improve the glare.

And talk…talk, talk, talk, about everything but golf. Like golf to non-golfers is not boring enough, Nick and Kelly have to spend time talking about a parachute surfer…this is golf ladies and gents…not the wide world of sports…anymore.

OH, and we have another week of nothing but Golf Channel coverage at one of my favorite tournaments, the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic….what will it be this time? Too dark, to overexposed, shaky camera or……

Will they finally hire a production crew that knows where to place the camera and how to set the camera’s up to deal with lighting and will they bring in golf announcers who can be funny while talking about golf… The GC can afford it because as far as golf goes…they are the only show in town.

Hey, we can only hope, because it can’t get any worst…or at least I hope not.

Scot Duke is President of Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC and author of How To Play Business Golf. Mr Duke uses his 30 years of business management experience to help business owners and executives develop their business to be more successful and mentor business people on how powerful of a business tool Business Golf can be towards solving many business challenges. More information on Mr Duke and Business Golf can is available at the Innovative Business Golf Solutions web-site.

Business Golf: Playing It by “The Numbers”

15 01 2007

I have had a number of bosses over the years tell me playing golf with clients or as part of doing business does not produce ‘The Numbers’ needed to make it worth while.  I am still hearing this term used today from some of the people I speak with who are skeptical Business Golf is any different.

So, what are “The Numbers” these people are talking about?  In most cases the term “The Numbers” refers to a certain amount of money that needs to be made to produce a significant profit after paying for the costs.

Sometimes “the Numbers’ are the number of sales.  Or they could be the number of savings to a business…all have something to do with a goal.

So why doesn’t golf produce “The Number”?.  Well if golf is used as a six hour sales pitch, no “the numbers” are not going to be met.  If Business is the only focus while playing golf, no, again, “The Numbers” are not going to be met.

But if Business Golf was played, “The Numbers” have a much better chance of being met.  How?

Well Business Golf is not just a round of golf with clients, or something that is thought up an hour before calling the client or customers to go play a round of golf.  No, Business Golf is a purposeful round of golf where something is set to be accomplished.  But, even with that, if not done right it can fail.

The problem arises from not understanding golf and how it can be used as a business tool.  Lack of understanding results in a natural pull back from using golf and a move towards something more traditional, or in some cases doing nothing which does not help product ‘The Numbers’ either. 

The misunderstanding of golf or lack of knowing what the benefits golf can have to producing “The Numbers” results in proclaiming golf as not something that can produce “The Numbers”. 

Business Golf is not just playing golf.  With business golf there is though put into from the beginning on approaching something.  If accomplishing ‘The Numbers’ is needed in order for golf to be used then don’t just let the term ‘The Numbers’ justify running away from Business Golf, find out what “The Numbers’ are and then use Business Golf to attempt to make “The Numbers”.

I have found over the years that using words like “The Numbers” or “Appearing to be ferriferous” are ways weak managers and executives approach explaining away something they don’t want to do or don’t understand.  What takes place when using these terms effects productivity and develops morale issues.  The fun of working is diminished and the energy spent to make things happen wastes away.  All of this effecting there being any chance in the bosses from meeting “The Numbers”

Again, understanding Business Golf and how to play it will solve more problems than the need of making “The Numbers”.

Learning how to play business golf can produce “The Numbers” if done correctly.

Scot Duke is President of Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC and author of How To Play Business Golf.  Mr Duke uses his 30 years of business management experience to help business owners and executives develop their business to be more successful and mentor business people on how powerful of a business tool Business Golf can be towards solving many business challenges. More information on Mr Duke and Business Golf can is available at the Innovative Business Golf Solutions web-site.


Business Golf: Stay Ahead

9 01 2007

I was playing golf with a golfing friend a few months ago and when I asked how his business was he said they were having problems “Staying Ahead”.  When I asked about what it was they needed to stay ahead of he said “Everything”.

Since I didn’t want to get into the twenty questions mood, we played on and we just had small talk for the rest of the round…then my Business Golf instincts kicked in while we were in the Grill having a cocktail and paying off the bets.  I asked my friend “How can I Help”.

He first looked at me with a puzzled look and then, being a savvy Business Golf himself, he remembered what we talked about in our greeting on the first tee and said…”I’m not sure you can.”..

Of course I was not going to let him brush me off that easy and I quickly bantered my reply, “Try me”… He said “OK” and waved the waitress over to instruct her to set us up for two drinks each…a good indicator that this talk was going to be a good one when he ordered four $20 martinis.

Now I was not out after the drinks, I was out to do what I do best and help out a fellow business person, and better yet, help a fellow Business Golfer (One of my first students).  He obviously was letting whatever he was dealing with bother him and I was hoping if nothing else he could use whatever it was off his chest…and I was right.

He owned a landscaping business for 15 years and was doing real well with it until corporate America dumped a lot of high salaried executives in the market who had the resources to buy up franchises for landscape businesses.  This was causing him to deal with a lot of cut rate competition, which lead to his employees starting to jump ship for the lure of higher salaries and cooler benefits.   Plus his customers hounding him to cut his rates to compete with the mega-crew companies was starting to affect his bottom-line.

As we started on the second round of martinis he was explaining that he had played some business golf with some of his customers recently.  He reported that his customers want to stay loyal and keep him in business due to his quality.  He figured that his trustworthiness he provided through the rounds of golf he has played with them was a contributing factor.  And he has been able to keep a few of his key employees from taking them out for a round of golf, but all of the shoring up was causing him from staying ahead of his competition.

Instead of him playing offense he spent all of his time on defense and was scoring only because the mega-crew yard companies (as he called them) could not hold up to quality. So he would loose a customer and then get them back in a few weeks, but it was causing huge gaps in his cash flow.

As we sucked on the last of the olives I provided my thoughts.  I suggested that he pull back to a core and look to adjusting pricing for customers who would commit to long term contracts of a year or more.  Plus, concentrate on building the loyalty of employees and customers. I didn’t have to tell him how or what to do…he was my star pupil.   So he agreed that he would look into it and we left each other for that day.

I ran into my friend the other day at a meeting I was speaking at and I asked him first what he was doing there and he said “Staying ahead”…Now it was my turn to look puzzled and he smiled as he put his arm on my shoulder remarking “I think it is time for another drink”…as he ushered me to the bar.

As we sat down he said he sold his business…which was a little shocking, but not nearly as shocking as the finish to this story.  He went on to tell me that he had me to thank for it…because he went back and did what I mentioned.  He cut back his 16 crews to 6.  He did the processing of the operations for a 6 crew to be profitable and then called his employees all out for a round of golf.  Whether they played golf or not, they were to be at the club for the day…NO Work…that got them there. 

After the round of golf he laid out the plan which he said made everyone squirm in their chairs because to them cutting from 16 crews to 6 meant layoffs.  But he said he would be interested in hearing if anyone had any better ideas.

He said the turning point of what caused him to be sitting with me that evening buying my drink came next when a little lady stood up and asked if he would let them meet amongst themselves so to gather their thoughts.  She asked for a week.  He said “by all means”.  He said “tell me where and when you want to talk”.  She looked around at every who was look at him and she said “OH, we will let you know”.  My friend told me that those words still bring a smile to his face.

He continued by telling me that the next week he got an email from the lady inviting him to a fiesta at her house where they would provide him their ideas.  He was very excited and rightfully so because at that fiesta he was provided a plan, not an idea, which blew him away.

All 80 employees were there sitting quietly as the lady presented him the plan on how they will turn the business around.  The plan was every employee would be a sales person.  Each crew foreman would take upon him or her self to solicit residence and businesses in their areas for business with each foreman committed to having his crew do work for free for potential customers facilities for three weekly visits so they can demonstrate their quality of work…and they do this on their own time.

Now it went back to is office committed to let them know in three days if this was something he wanted to do.  After three days he said, “What the heck, lets fo it”.

Within one month his crew foremen hired three more crews.  He started getting contracts coming in for two years from customers he lost months ago.  He wsa finally staying ahead.

At the end of three months he got another email from the same lady who presented the plan inviting him to another fiesta to ask a question.  He naturally accepted and this party proved to be his retirement party because at that fiesta he was presented a proposal to buy his business for a figure he never would see from anyone else.   Being blown away he asked to think about it.

He checked the deal out and it was real and he countered with wanting to continue to be a minority stockholder in the new company.  The new groups who is now the owners countered the offer with making him Chairman of the Board.

Now, I was stunned not by the stiff drink he bought but from the turn of events. When I asked what he thought was the biggest factor for them to pool that kind of money to buy him out he said with a big smile as he got up to leave…”Trust…they trusted me and I trusted them and we found away to Stay Ahead”.

Believe me folks, learning how to play Business Golf can make a difference if you let it.

Scot Duke is President of Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC and author of How To Play Business Golf.  Mr Duke uses his 30 years of business management experience to help business owners and executives develop their business to be more successful and mentor business people on how powerful of a business tool Business Golf can be towards solving many business challenges. More information on Mr Duke and Business Golf can is available at the Innovative Business Golf Solutions web-site.

Business Golf now on DigitalGolf.tv

8 01 2007


Business Golf will now be a part of the DigitalGolf.tv site.  Check it out and check itDigitalGolf frequently.  I will have a lot to say over there…


Mr Business Golf on Digital Golf

Business Golf: Where Did It Start?

6 01 2007

Now that most of you know what Business golf is, you ask, where did it start?

I would take a guess that some form of Business Golf was played the first time two people got together to play the game.  And since that was over 400 years ago, I would say that a method of Business Golf was played over 400 years ago.

 Where today’s business golf started would be back in the Bobby Jones era.  Where the true gentleman’s game of golf was established.  I was not there, but would image that since Mr Jones  would address the way you would play golf with him at the first tee, and then wine and dine you afterwards, that would be the first blush of where today’s Business Golf was started. 

Now, History reports that Mr Jones was not only stern in a round of golf with him be nothing but golf, he was also one of the most respected businessmen of his time.   When it came to integrity Mr Jones showed it on and off the course.

Since Mr Jones passing, some of the style and guidelines to using golf as a business tool have been morphed by the greed of today’s business people who make golf a six hour sales pitch, or to turn away from golf all together as a way of doing business due to what boils down to having a total lack of understanding of what golf is all about. 

This goes back to most of the today’s business people running from golf due to not having been exposure to the game as they were growing up or got caught up in other interests or sports that contradicted the integrity issues golf demands from its participants.

Things are changing and with golf now making a come back after 10 years of being knocked by the business giants as a complete waste of time and money, more people who learn how to use business golf correctly will put themselves ahead in the crowded marketplace.

Learn to play business golf and you might find a better way to get ahead in business.

Scot Duke is President of Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC and author of How To Play Business Golf.  Mr Duke uses his 30 years of business management experience to help business owners and executives develop their business to be more successful and mentor business people on how powerful of a business tool Business Golf can be towards solving many business challenges. More information on Mr Duke and Business Golf can is available at the Innovative Business Golf Solutions web-site.