Taking Sabbatical!

31 07 2007

I looked up the word Sabbatical and its definition pretty well describes what I am going to be doing.

A sabbatical year is a prolonged hiatus, typically one year, in the career of an individual taken in order to fulfill some goal, e.g., writing a book or traveling extensively for research.

Well, I guess it is time to finally fess up that none of this stuff out here on the internet really works. I would like to say it is just me, but unfortunately there are a large number of us out here that are now realizing that None of this is really all worth it.

I will be taking a sabbatical to work on my next book that I will be outlining all of the fallacies of the internet…until then you may want to check out my other book to catch up on what is going on.

You can check out the periodic blogs I will post over at my main site, IBGS Blog. Hope you enjoy the archive of blogs I have posted here.

Today has been one heck of a day…

9 05 2007

I spent most of the day working on and rehearsing my speech I am giving to a group of potential clients.

I took a few breaks through the day to keep my sanity that all of this is worth it.  Cleaned out more SPAM than I care to think I had.  So far, I have cleaned out over 3200 spam comments and other contacts that are from the infamous SEO’s…

rex-dixon-9-20061thumbnail.jpgI saw where my old buddy Rex Dixon was staying under the radar today…working on the day gig is wearing on him…

Took a moment and wrote a email to another close friend at the PGA to announce that my non-profit charity pro-am, Screen Door Open Charity Pro-AM. is still going on this Fall.  A little classy invitational affair of Business Networking event I cooked up 9 years ago…something I know how to do and wrote about in my book as being the best way to maximize the golfing dollar.

Then I am wrapping up the day with sitting on my go buddy Arm Chair Golfer.  I was hittingarm-chair-golfer.jpg his Blogroll…he has some very interesting characters who I know I can pick on from time to time to blog about or comment on their blogs…when I get the time.

So, there you have it…still kicking at it from both ends to make it work.  I know that one day I am going to look back on this and say this was all worth it.

Business Golf Has Moved!

1 02 2007

Are YOU Ready to Play some Business Golf? Well then, come on over to the NEWibgs-logo-line-drawing-new-w-tm-flattened.jpg Innovative Business Golf Solutions Blog Site.

Business Golf has moved! Click Business Golf to go to new site.

As many of my contemporaries have already done, it is also now time for me to saddle up and leave WordPress.com.

My business is growing faster than I can keep up with so…I am pulling all of my blogs, podcasts and videocasts all into one place.

I will be back over here on WordPress.com periodically to provide you with what is going on in Business Golf, but if you want to find out more than Business Golf, you will have to follow me over to my new site.

I really hope that all of the many, many friends I have made here will want to remain on my Blogroll and stay linked to all of the stuff I have to report on and talk about…for that will not change.

Where am I going? Well, I am taking the natural direction of setting up shop on my own domain. Which is at http://innovativebusinessgolf.com

Come on over, check it out and let’s play some Business Golf where I will continually ask you…Let Me Know How Can I Help?.

Scot Duke – Mr Business Golf


Innovative Business Golf Solutions

Business Golf now on DigitalGolf.tv

8 01 2007


Business Golf will now be a part of the DigitalGolf.tv site.  Check it out and check itDigitalGolf frequently.  I will have a lot to say over there…


Mr Business Golf on Digital Golf

Business Golf: Where Did It Start?

6 01 2007

Now that most of you know what Business golf is, you ask, where did it start?

I would take a guess that some form of Business Golf was played the first time two people got together to play the game.  And since that was over 400 years ago, I would say that a method of Business Golf was played over 400 years ago.

 Where today’s business golf started would be back in the Bobby Jones era.  Where the true gentleman’s game of golf was established.  I was not there, but would image that since Mr Jones  would address the way you would play golf with him at the first tee, and then wine and dine you afterwards, that would be the first blush of where today’s Business Golf was started. 

Now, History reports that Mr Jones was not only stern in a round of golf with him be nothing but golf, he was also one of the most respected businessmen of his time.   When it came to integrity Mr Jones showed it on and off the course.

Since Mr Jones passing, some of the style and guidelines to using golf as a business tool have been morphed by the greed of today’s business people who make golf a six hour sales pitch, or to turn away from golf all together as a way of doing business due to what boils down to having a total lack of understanding of what golf is all about. 

This goes back to most of the today’s business people running from golf due to not having been exposure to the game as they were growing up or got caught up in other interests or sports that contradicted the integrity issues golf demands from its participants.

Things are changing and with golf now making a come back after 10 years of being knocked by the business giants as a complete waste of time and money, more people who learn how to use business golf correctly will put themselves ahead in the crowded marketplace.

Learn to play business golf and you might find a better way to get ahead in business.

Scot Duke is President of Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC and author of How To Play Business Golf.  Mr Duke uses his 30 years of business management experience to help business owners and executives develop their business to be more successful and mentor business people on how powerful of a business tool Business Golf can be towards solving many business challenges. More information on Mr Duke and Business Golf can is available at the Innovative Business Golf Solutions web-site.


Golf 2007: Starts on Page 11

6 01 2007

You probably didn’t know that the 2007 Golf season has begun.  Why? 

Well if you are like 99% of the avid golfers who read the sports section to find out what is going on in GOLF, you may have become nauseated and stopped reading due to the endless reports on football, basketball, hockey, NASCAR, Lacrosse, Bass Tournaments, and underwater basket weaving playoffs (OK, I threw that one in there just in case you are reading) before getting to page eleven where the 3” square report on the Mercedes-Benz Champions being played in Hawaii.

But, yes, the golf season has started and for 40 million golfers around the world who are really dedicated to the game, and only this game, it is really hard to find anything that is going on with the first tournament of the season. 

If you are looking for the LPGA, that starts in two weeks, let me wish you luck.  I am sure I will be back to provide you with my keen insight on the absurdity and lack of respect the print media has towards the women golfers.

OH, yes, you could trot over to the TV and pull up the Golf Channel and watch their NEW coverage of the PGA.  I am sure you would be Wowed by the over produced and over dressed golf commentators that make you ask…Who are these people?…and Why are they on the Air…and What claim to fame do these people have in the world of Golf?    

You will also probably die of boredom from them covering the same three holes over and over…which is probably why more people are not into golf since the only time they see golf is on TV and the TV serves no justice to the game by just covering three of the 18 holes.

So, you could go to the TV, but if you are depending on the Newspapers to provide you insight into why Aaron Oberholser was shown in the paper with only one score and the others showed two, well all I can say is…Good Luck.    

I suggest you start from the back page of the sports section like I do and work forward…you will get to the golf before losing your breakfast from all of the team sports that the Newspapers feel are more important.

Scot Duke is President of Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC and author of How To Play Business Golf.  Mr Duke uses his 30 years of business management experience to help business owners and executives develop their business to be more successful and mentor business people on how powerful a business tool Business Golf can be towards solving many business challenges. More information on Mr Duke and Business Golf can is available at the Innovative Business Golf Solutions web-site.

Michelle Wie Going to Stanford: Has Reasoning Set In?

19 12 2006

The news on Michelle Wie announcing that she was accepted at Stanford now puts another twist to the plot…is Michelle going to turn Professional?  IS she going to make the smart move and play some College Golf while getting an education to fall back on when the 15 minutes of fame runs out?  Or is this all just another way of staying in the news over the Winter to make her sponsor, Sony, happy and sell a few more large screen TV’s?

I say her heading to College and get an educations would be the smartest thing to do…she has plenty of years to play her way into the Masters…more playing experience at a competitive level will also toughen her up for that challenge she will face…

Casey Martin: Will Always Be Remembered

14 12 2006

t1_martin_all-01.jpgEvery since Casey Martin came on the golf scene I have been amazed of his mental toughness.  He was the kid with the bad leg that was told a thousand times that he would never play golf and made it to the big show proving people wrong.  This little read story of Casey accepting the Head Golf Coach at Oregon State is great from him for golf and the future golfers that will take what he demonstrated and make them better golfers.

Second Life: 1.9Millon what?

12 12 2006

Please, someone tell me why we need to believe that this site has 1.9 million members. And why would anyone care?   I have a few million bacteria running around on me someplace, I am about as impressed with Second Life having that many members. Clay Shirky over at ValleyWag tells the story…

Scot Duke is President of Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC and author of How To Play Business Golf.  Mr Duke uses his 30 years of business management experience to help business owners and executives develop their business to be more successful and mentor business people on how powerful of a business tool Business Golf can be towards solving many business challenges. More information on Mr Duke and Business Golf can is available at the Innovative Business Golf Solutions web-site.

MeetUp: What’s Up with This?

10 12 2006

I hadn’t been over to MeetUp.com in a few months even though I get the annoyingmeetup.gif emails from when I joined the site earlier this year telling me about some group wanting me to join them, or wants a Golf MeetUp in Addison, or a Sushi MeetUp in Addison…or the many notices of the few groups I am a member of but never went to a MeetUp.

What I find about MeetUp.com as site is unsettling is that they want you to pay to be a facilitator of the ‘MeetUp’ as they call them. From $20 to $30 a month you get the privilege of sending out emails that go out to all of the members and then hear every excuse in the book on why they can’t come to the MeetUp you scheduled.

I guess if you were writing the book that everyone says they want to write…All of The Excuses People Have’,

I guess paying MeetUp for you to produce traffic to their advertisers is a way to do it…wait a minute, did I say you were paying them for you to drive traffic to their advertisers??? Well I guess I did and now you know why Mr Business Golf will not be over at MeetUp…

OH, well, MeetUp will probably be one of the sites to takea a dive when Web 2.0 comes around.

Scot Duke is President of Innovative Business Golf Solutions, LLC and author of How To Play Business Golf. Mr Duke uses his 30 years of business management experience to help business owners and executives develop their business to be more successful and mentor business people on how powerful of a business tool Business Golf can be towards solving many business challenges. More information on Mr Duke and Business Golf can is available at the Innovative Business Golf Solutions web-site.