YuWie: You Get What You Pay For!

29 11 2007

(As my fans know, I am on a mission to report to them what is working and what is not out here in Cyberspace. In ‘what is working’, I mean, what will work to accomplish your mission if you are out to market something on the internet, or make some sort of money out here. So, I go out looking for the good and the bad that is out here on the internet…and No not all is bad)

I was trotting around Facebook in my usual manor bouncing back and forth between the private invitational only groups that have all of the heavy hitters of the internet and beyond as members when I trolled across this comment about someone checking out this site called YuWie…and then claiming ‘yaw, its real cool man. You get paid to be on that site.’

Well I was having a slow week in between speaking and seminars and consulting projects so I went over to this site and joined up. That was after I my legal beagles went through the fine print and provided me an executive summary of what this site was doing. So, I knew a little about what I was going to be getting into before I went. That was fair enough.

The bottom-line of the summary was YuWie was a waste of time since the site was one of the many groups sites popping up from the ingenious idea that if I get a bunch of advertisers to pay a site owner for all the hits they get to their ads then the generous site owners will pass on .000001% of revenue to the members of the site who generated all that site’s traffic. That is, they get paid that amount if they can produce an abnormal about of hits to their profiles where the ads are being flashed.

OK, I have seen these sites before and like I said I had some time so I signed up. Hey, I could use some chump changes like any other person on the internet. So I dived in with a very positive attitude stemming from the fact that there must be something to this site or it would not be up and running.

As usual it took a few hours to get my baring and to learn what the game people play. After about four hours I got to where I had my sea legs and found that I needed to put the filter on the requests I was getting flooded with from members wanting to be my friend. I had seen all of the dudes wearing Speedos, chick’s name Pat and guys name Abdulla I wanted to see. Yup, the first sign of a problem when there is more men’s chest hair showing in these aviators than on bikini beach.

I will have to say that the most positive note for this site was there were more people over 35 on their roster than in other group sites I have joined.

Now I could see that my stats were starting to go up from members hitting my profile. So I thought I better bring in a posse to join this site to get their point of views and if nothing else to watch my back. So I had three flying as my wing men while I launched into seeing what this site was all about. It was not a hour later I got notices from two of my wing gunners that they were bailing due to the Speedo factor being too much for them to handle so I was now flying a Deadman Formation with just one wing gunners. We reformed our position and I was back into launching blogs and comments. Then ten minutes after making new formation my wing man had all he could take and bailed due to the email flake he was taking from the MLM’s, Direct marketers and offers to sell discounted energy was too heavy for him.

So I was flying Top Gun on my own. And still my page views was not going up. I was hanging in there to make sure before I pulled out of this mission I had enough recognizance to make a full report.

So I went to the FAQ and saw where there was a question asked on how does someone get their stats higher? It was sad that one of the things that brings a lot of page views to your site is to write a blog…HUMM, since I am averaging over 10,000 words a day blogging that was no problem. But why would anyone want to blog on a site that is only seen by members?  And what does someone blog about to a site full of Speedos? So I just started typing away.

Now after posting a few blogs and picking out a few people who were into golf to ask if they wanted to be friends I was well into my second day and way over the 12 hour period time I spent on this site. I posted more, made more comments, asked more people to become my friend and all of that got me way up into the 20 hours of time I had spent on that friggin site and I have yet to get 1000 page views.

So now it was time to take off the gloves, call in the attorneys and start looking at the pay out for what this site pay people for all of this work and traffic members provide to this site.    $.75 a 1000 views….yep, that is right…that mounted up to what I figured was by the time I got to 1000 page views on my site I would get paid about $.002 per hour.

Yaw, it is time to bail and what I found about this site probably explains why there are so many abandon profiles on those sites. It is surely a shame that the creators of these sites do not have the business minds to set these sties up so they are like mini corporations and each person who joins gets paid for what they are capable of bring into the business not what they are mandated to bring in.

Now I know that me blogging about this site is just adding more attention to them and maybe I should charge them for that added traffic…Hummm, maybe that is how you make money with these type of sites.

It again is a real same the number of people who are working their asses off on these sites, keeping positive attitudes and wasting their lives away hammering people to get that page view. I am sure there are a few who are making a buck or two, but nothing near what the owners are making off them working their ass off.

Here is just one of the many examples of how the internet is running off more people than it is bring in. Smart business minded people will prevail long after these site’s founders are stuck explaining to their advertisers why they are getting so many views to their ads but nobody buying anything.

YuWie may be better pronounced PuWie!

For more insight and what is going on in the world of golf and business, check out the New IBGS site that is coming soon!

New Look for IBGS Site!

23 11 2007

If you have been out and around then you have seen that I am in the mist of overhauling my IBGS site. Needless to say, it is well over due. I am not sure what it is going to exactly look like, but I am hoping it will be different.

For this project I am taking an international approach. My friend and leading international internet marketer, paul-new.jpgPaul OFlaherty will be serving as General Contractor for this project. He will be keeping an I on producing something that answers my perpetual questions…Is This Really ALL Worth It?

Seems Paul is asking himself that questions a few hundred times a day and since our series of podcasts on all of the problems we have found on the internet feels that this project will give him a chance to develop something that will visually help with providing viewers a look at all of the stuff I offer people professionally as well as personally.

I get excited thinking about this new change and even more excited to ending the year with something new and positive to build on for the New Year.

Taking a glimpse at the New Year, I see several things cooking that hopefully make this project Paul and I have been working on something we can sit back and say Is This Really All Worth It?

Look for an announcement soon of the launch of the new IBGS site.

A Major Change in Social Networking has Started!

30 10 2007

(Yaw, I am back blogging, but not fulltime. I need to find something that pays the bills, so I will be back from time to time to fill ya in on what I am finding out around the offline world.)

If you are a member of a social group, are you active in that group? You probably were but gave up when the only person you found that replied to your friend’s request was a friend of a friend named Abdul.

Social Networking is huge right now and in most cases it is off the friggin charts with the number of groups that are being formed each day. How many social networking groups does a person need to join anyhow?

In a podcast that is currently in the editing room that I recorded with my good friend Paul OFlaherty paul-new.jpga few weeks ago we talked about this issue and discussed the trends in social networking. Hopefully I can find out what the technical glitch is and get this fascinating podcast out to everyone really soon.

Seems there is a huge push back from people in social networking groups who finally are asking themselves the question on why they need to join more than one or two groups. The movement is backed by the logical thinking of how many people can a single person network with at one time and the connection being real and not a passing hello.

In fact, do people who are members of Facebook really think they are going to connect with everyone on that site? The answer is NO, in case you did not know.

What is taking place is people are starting to look for smaller groups that have members who are more compatible in their thinking and live close by. Soon the mega groups will be losing members to these sites that take the bold step of providing a site for just a small number of people.

The same will go for the groups that are for a certain issue or niche market. More sites will be formed for the growing need to make the internet a REAL place to socialize.

These sites will be 100 times more active due to the simple fact that everyone in the group knows each other. These smaller groups will be more regional which will allow the members to have offline meetings of the membership. Even advertisers who I have talked to say they would enjoying the opportunity to focus their offers to these smaller groups and get out of this .001% return on their advertising dollar.

All of this is good. I applaud this movement and look forward to getting involved in a group that is smaller and everyone makes an effort to get to know each other. Maybe now that Paul is back form his honeymoon he will show me what I need to do to get this very interesting podcast out to for review.

This change in direction in Social networking could make all of this really worth it.

Learn more about what I have to offer at IBGS.

Taking Sabbatical!

31 07 2007

I looked up the word Sabbatical and its definition pretty well describes what I am going to be doing.

A sabbatical year is a prolonged hiatus, typically one year, in the career of an individual taken in order to fulfill some goal, e.g., writing a book or traveling extensively for research.

Well, I guess it is time to finally fess up that none of this stuff out here on the internet really works. I would like to say it is just me, but unfortunately there are a large number of us out here that are now realizing that None of this is really all worth it.

I will be taking a sabbatical to work on my next book that I will be outlining all of the fallacies of the internet…until then you may want to check out my other book to catch up on what is going on.

You can check out the periodic blogs I will post over at my main site, IBGS Blog. Hope you enjoy the archive of blogs I have posted here.

Hey, Who The Heck Are You, Anyway?

26 07 2007

I think my good friend Paul O’Flahertypaul.jpg is onto something here.  Who The Heck Am I?  I have the same problem with the name thing.  You can Google my name and it comes up with trying to get you to spell it with Two “T”’s, when the correct spelling is with one ‘T’ or my last name spelled ‘Duck’.  I have even had some of the sites that write about me confusing me with my friend Paul by calling me Mr. O’Duke.

Then you have the Mr Business Golf name I go by…WOW, want to know how many ways there are to butcher that name up?

Of course, at least Mr O’Flaherty, and I we use are real names…the ones our mom’s gave us, not the names you see around the internet like “Stick Ittome” or “Sir Spamalot”.  You can only image what you are going to get from someone with those names.

So who the heck are we anyway if our names are not spelled correctly? 

OH, well, guess its time to get back to reading more about what is going on out here that I questions is really working.